


1 Name

1.1 The name of the Association is National Association of Enabling Educators of Australia Inc.(NAEEA)

1.2 NAEEA Inc. is constituted by Resolution dated 22 March, 2012

1.3 The NAEEA Inc. is an organisation that does not provide profit, personal gain or benefit for its members.  The assets and income of the organisation shall be applied solely in furtherance of the nominated objectives and no portion shall be distributed directly or indirectly to the members of the organisation except as bona fide compensation for services rendered or expenses incurred on behalf of the organisation.

2 Purposes of NAEEA Inc.

2.1 The aims of NAEEA Inc. are:

(a) To advocate, encourage, promote and widen access and successful participation in groups who are under-represented in tertiary education.

(b) To undertake activities which establish a profile for Enabling Education and promote the benefits it provides to individuals, universities and society.

(c) To organise and hold a bi-annual conference.

(d) To hold forums fostering an exchange of ideas and support for collaboration and co-operation between individuals, groups and organisations engaged in Enabling Education.

2.2 The objectives of NAEEA Inc. are:

(a) To create a shared platform for tertiary educators across the sector, to work to promote the pedagogical strategies of Enabling Education as a means of empowering and creating success for learners, their families and communities, and for the betterment of society and the economy.

(b) To promote professional development, collaboration and research, both nationally and internationally, for Enabling Educators.

(c) To contribute to policy development and to be recognised as the key consultative body for all Enabling Education by tertiary education organisations, professional organisations, the government and the community.

2.3 The functions and powers of the NAEEA Inc. are:

(a) To develop an organisation with resources and staffing to fulfil the objectives.

(b) To establish and maintain a bank account.

(c) To raise and apply for funds for purposes agreed to by the members.

(d) At all times to act ethically and with integrity on behalf of the members to fulfil the aims and objectives of the Association.

(e) The Association has the powers of an individual.

(f) The Executive Committee of the NAEEA Inc. has the general control and management of the administration of the affairs, property and funds of the association.

(g) The Executive Committee has authority to interpret the meaning of the NAEEA Inc. rules provided any interpretation has regard to the Act and regulations under the Act.


3 Executive Committee

(a) The first Executive Committee will be elected at the Annual General Meeting.

(b) The term of membership of the Executive Committee is two years, with an exception for members commencing in 2013, when half of the initial members will be elected for one year to ensure continuity of membership

(c) Retiring members of the Executive Committee are eligible for re-election.

(d) The Executive Committee will consist of up to 10 members, including a Chairperson, General Secretary, Membership Secretary and Treasurer.

(e) An Ex Officio role for previous Office Holders.  The outgoing Chair and Secretary could serve on the Executive Committee as Ex Officio for a period of one year.

(f) The Executive Committee will elect the Chairperson, General Secretary, Membership Secretary and Treasurer from within the Committee at the first Executive Committee meeting following the Annual General Meeting.

(g) Service on the Executive Committee is on a voluntary basis.

(h) Should an executive member resign, the Executive Committee may use its discretion to appoint another member as an interim replacement until the next Annual General Meeting.

(i) An Executive Committee member can be withdrawn by a special resolution(where 75% vote in favour)  at a general meeting.

(j) The Executive Committee has the capacity to co-opt additional members where it is felt there is a gap in specific expertise within the existing Committee.

(k) The Executive Committee reserves the right to refuse or terminate membership to any person.


4 Membership

(a) Any person with an interest in Enabling Education may become a member of the NAEEA Inc. by applying to the Secretary in writing.

(b) Membership is on an individual or institutional basis only.

(c) Annual membership fees/subscriptions will be set at the Annual General Meeting and will be due within 3 months of the Annual General Meeting.

(d) Membership will be deemed lapsed if fees are not paid by the due date but may be reinstated, at the discretion of the Executive Committee, by the payment of any fees owing.

(e) A member may resign by informing the Membership Secretary in writing.

5 Meetings

(a) The Executive Committee of the NAEEA Inc. will have a minimum of 6 meetings per year.  These meetings will be in the form deemed most appropriate by the Chairperson. The meeting can only take place if a quorum of six members is present.

(b) An Annual General Meeting will be held during the conference.  In the year a conference is not held, the Annual General Meeting will be held at a venue deemed appropriate by the Executive Committee.  A quorum of 10 members must be present, including four Executive Committee members. For the meeting to take place, 14 days written notice of the Annual General Meeting must be provided to members.

(c) A Special General Meeting may be called by the Executive Committee and must be called if the General Secretary receives a written request signed by at least 10% of the members.  Fourteen days’ notice must be given to all members, with supporting information, at the time of notice.  For the meeting to take place, a quorum of 10 members must be present, including four Executive Committee members.

(d) If voting is required, this will take place through a secret ballot which can include online voting

(e) Each member has one vote.  The Chairperson or nominated proxy will have a casting vote.

(f) Should the Chairperson be absent without a proxy, the Executive Committee will elect a member to chair the meeting.  The proxy will be drawn from the Executive Committee membership.

(g) The Annual General Meeting may approve a patron for the NAEEA Inc.

6 Finances

(a) All monies raised must go towards furthering the aim and objectives of the NAEEA Inc.

(b) The Treasurer must maintain up-to-date and accurate records.

(c) A current bank statement must be presented at each Executive Committee Meeting.

(d) The Treasurer has the authority to pay accounts.

(e) The bank account will require two authorisations – Treasurer and an Office Holder of the Executive Committee.

(f) An audit conducted by an accredited individual or organisation must occur annually and the outcomes must be presented to and approved by the Annual General Meeting.

(g) Decisions regarding the investment of surplus funds can only be made by the Executive Committee for review and ratification at the next Annual General Meeting.

(h) The end date of the association’s financial year is 31 December in each year.

7 Amendments to the Rules

(a) Subject to the Act, these rules may be amended, repealed or added to by a special resolution carried at an Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting.

(b) However, an amendment, repeal or addition is valid only if it is registered by the chief executive.

(c) Recommended amendments must be notified to all members no less than 14 days prior to the Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting.

(d) Any member may put forth a proposal for an alteration to the Rules to the Executive Committee for discussion and circulation to the membership of the NAEEA Inc.

8 Common Seal

(a) The Executive Committee shall provide a common seal for the NAEEA Inc.

(b) The General Secretary shall have custody of the common seal, which can only be used by the authority of the Executive Committee.

9 Dissolution of the National Association of Enabling Educators of Australia Inc. and Distribution of surplus assets to another entity

(a) Upon dissolution of the NAEEA Inc., any monies and assets will be passed on to a charitable organisation with similar aims and objectives.

(b) This rule will apply if the association is wound up under part 10 of the Act and

  1. i) has surplus assets;
  2. ii) the surplus assets will not be distributed among the members of the Association.

(c) The surplus assets will be given to another entity:

  1. i) that has objects similar to the association’s objects, and
  2. ii) the rules of which prohibit the distribution of the entity’s income and assets to its members
  3. 3. iii) Upon dissolution of the Association or if the deductible gift recipient(DGR)  endorsement is revoked by the Australian Taxation Office, all remaining gifts, deductible contributions and any money received in respect of such gifts, membership fees and contributions will be transferred to another registered charity that is eligible to receive tax-deductible gifts.

(d) Dissolution may occur if a motion supporting this view is agreed upon by three quarters of the members who are present and entitled to vote on the resolution at a meeting called specifically for this purpose.