Research publications and reports
Lighting the pathway
Relf, B., Crawford, N., O’Rourke, J., Sharp, S., Hodges, B., Shah, M., & Barnes, R. K. (2017). Lighting the path(way): Articulating curriculum design principles for open access enabling programs. Sydney: Office of Learning and Teaching, Department of Educaiton. Retrieved from
Exploring the Experience of Low-SES Students via Enabling Pathways
Web link
Dr Chad Habel, Dr Kirsty Whitman (University of Adelaide) & Jennifer Stokes (University of South Australia)
Enabling retention: processes and strategies for improving student retention in university-based enabling programs
Barry Hodges, Tasman Bedford, Jane Hartley, Chris Klinger, Neil Murray, John O’Rouke, Neville Schofield
The University of Newcastle
Final report (PDF, 2.83 MB)
External evaluation report (PDF ,243.7 KB)
Selected sections from the unpublished EIP report investigating The Cost and Effectiveness of Enabling and Related Programs In Australian Tertiary Education (2000)
John Clarke, David Bull, Cameron Neil, Lyn Turner, Damian Birney
Report (PDF, 2.6 MB)
Pathways To Higher Education: The Efficacy Of Enabling And Sub-Bachelor Pathways For Disadvantaged Students
Report for the Australian Government, Department of Education and Training
The NCSEHE report: ‘Pathways to Higher Education – The Efficacy of Enabling and Sub-Bachelor Pathways for Disadvantaged Students‘
The International Studies in Widening Participation journal has now published vol 1 papers.
The papers for vol 1 can be found at:
Bennett A., Motta S., Hamilton E., Burgess C., Relf B., Gray K., Leroy-Dyer, S. & Albright. J. (2018). ‘Enabling Pedagogies: A participatory conceptual mapping of practices at the University of Newcastle, Australia’, Centre of Excellence for Equity in Higher Education.
Bennett, A. (2019). Access and equity program provision-evaluation in Australian higher education: a what matters approach. Educational Research and Evaluation, 24(8),523-537. DOI: 10.1080/13803611.2019.1643740
Bennett, A., & Lumb, M. (2019). Policy misrecognitions and paradoxes: Developing more contextually attuned access and equity policies in Australian higher education. Policy Futures in Education, 17(8), 966-982. DOI: 10.1177/1478210319831579
Bunn, R.J. (2019). “We need to help students discover themselves and see into the life of things”: Advice from Open Foundation Lecturers. In A. Jones, A. Olds and J.G. Lisciandro (Eds.) Transitioning students into Higher Education: Philosophies, Pedagogies and Practice. Oxon: Routledge.
Carter, C., & Sallis, R. (2019). Investigating the role of drama in two enabling courses in Australia. Applied Theatre Research, 7(1), 79-93.DOI:
Irwin, E., & Hamilton, E. (2019). Uncomfortable Spaces: Philosophy, Pedagogy and Practice in Online Enabling Education. In A. Jones, A. Olds and J.G. Lisciandro (Eds.),Transitioning students into Higher Education: Philosophies, Pedagogies and Practice. Oxon: Routledge.
Motta SC, Bennett A, (2018). ‘Pedagogies of care, care-full epistemological practice and other caring subjectivities in Enabling Education’, TEACHING IN HIGHER EDUCATION, 23 631-646.
O’Rourke, J., Relf, B., Crawford, N., & Sharp, S., (2019). Are we all on course? A curriculum mapping comparison of three Australian university open-access enabling programs. Australian Journal of Adult Learning, 59(1), 7-26.
All Resources
2024 – President’s Report – AGM
(2024). Typology of Enabling Programs
Typology of Enabling Programs Australia 2023
Compiled by NAEEAStop the Clocks: Enabling Practitioners and Precarity in Pandemic Time(s)
Stop the Clocks: Enabling Practitioners and Precarity in Pandemic Time(s) - Olds, A., Hopkins, S., Lisciandro, J., Jones, A., Subramaniam, J., Westacott, M., Larsen, A., Sturniolo-Baker, R., Scobie, H.
ACCESS: Critical explorations of Equity in Higher Education, 11(1), 12-27.Looking into the “Dark Mirror”
Looking into the “Dark Mirror”: Autoethnographic Reflections on the Impact of COVID-19 and Change Fatigue on the Wellbeing of Enabling Practitioners - Jones, A., Hopkins, S., Larsen, A., Lisciandro, J., Olds, A., Westacott, M., Sturniolo-Baker, R., & Subramaniam, J.
Student Success, 14(3), 41-52.- DOI: 10.5204/ssj.2779
Benchmarking Australian Enabling Programs for a National Framework of Standards
Benchmarking Australian Enabling Programs for a National Framework of Standards - Davis, C., Cook, C., Syme, S., Dempster, S., Duffy, L., Hattam, S., Lambrinidis, G. ., Lawson, K., & Levy, S.
Student Success, 14(2), 41-49- DOI: 10.5204/ssj.2841
Supporting Frontline Educators in the Carceral Space
Supporting Frontline Educators in the Carceral Space - Farley, H., & Ware, J.
In F. F. Padró, J. H. Green, & D. Bull (Eds.), Widening Participation in Higher Education (pp. 1-23). Springer Nature Singapore.Academic Staff Identity in Widening Participation Programs
Academic Staff Identity in Widening Participation Programs - Crank, R.
In F. F. Padró, J. H. Green, & D. Bull (Eds.), Widening Participation in Higher Education (pp. 1-24). Springer Nature Singapore.Transitioning a Face-to-Face Criminal Justice Program in Aotearoa New Zealand to Online in a Post-COVID-19 World.
Transitioning a Face-to-Face Criminal Justice Program in Aotearoa New Zealand to Online in a Post-COVID-19 World - Ware, J., Farley, H., & Spamers, M.
In F. F. Padró, J. H. Green, & D. Bull (Eds.), Widening Participation in Higher Education (pp. 1-23). Springer Nature SingaporeEnabling pedagogy
Enabling pedagogy - Stokes, J.
HERDSA Connect, vol. 45, no. 1, p. 20It’s the Principle that Counts: Designing Curriculum for Diverse Enabling Student Cohorts
It’s the Principle that Counts: Designing Curriculum for Diverse Enabling Student Cohorts - Lisciandro, J. G., Jones, A., Monteith, D., Geerlings, P., Briggs, B., & Bateman, B.
In F. F. Padró, J. H. Green, & D. Bull (Eds.), Widening Participation in Higher Education (pp. 1-17). Springer Nature Singapore.Reflective minds, brighter futures: empowering critical reflection with a guided instructional model.
Reflective minds, brighter futures: empowering critical reflection with a guided instructional model - James, T., Griffin, H., Johnston, K. S., & Armstrong, F.
Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, 20(6).- DOI: 10.53761/
Positioning and repositioning in higher education: first year students engaging with the world
Positioning and repositioning in higher education: first year students engaging with the world - Keys, N. & Heck, D.
Studies in Higher Education, 1-14.Issues and Solutions: A Literature Review of the Deficit Discourses Concerning Under-Represented Students
Issues and Solutions: A Literature Review of the Deficit Discourses Concerning Under-Represented Students - Larsen, A., & Frost-Camilleri, L.
In S. Weuffen, J. Burke, M. Plunkett, A. Goriss-Hunter, & S. Emmett (Eds.), Inclusion, Equity, Diversity, and Social Justice in Education (pp. 43–55). Springer Nature Singapore.“One day I will make it to university”: Students from refugee backgrounds in university pathway programs
“One day I will make it to university”: Students from refugee backgrounds in university pathway programs - Bilic, S., & Thai, T.
International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 22 (4), 217-241A Western Agenda for Access and Equity in Higher Education: The Evolution of Widening Participation.
A Western Agenda for Access and Equity in Higher Education: The Evolution of Widening Participation - Davis, C. & Bull, D.
In F. F. Padró, J. H. Green, & D. Bull (Eds.), Widening Participation in Higher Education (pp. 1-22). Springer Nature Singapore.Enabling Education in Australia: Emerging Themes and Shared Understandings
Enabling Education in Australia: Emerging Themes and Shared Understandings - Davis, C.
In F. F. Padró, J. H. Green, & D. Bull (Eds.), Widening Participation in Higher Education (pp. 1-21). Springer Nature Singapore.2019 – President’s Report – AGM
2020 – President’s Report AGM
2021 – President’s Report – AGM
2023 – President’s Report – AGM
Report on Benchmarking of Enabling Programs across Australia to the National Association of Enabling Educators of Australia (NAEEA)
Report on Benchmarking of Enabling Programs across Australia to the National Association of Enabling Educators of Australia (NAEEA).
Charmaine Davis, Suzi Syme, Chris Cook, Sarah Dempster, Lisa Duffy, Sarah Hattam, George Lambrinidis, Kathy Lawson & Stuart Levy
Nine enabling programs across Australia worked together from 2021-2022 to produce this report investigating the comparability of learning outcomes, curriculum and assessment practices across their enabling programs. This is the first comprehensive, cross institutional study of enabling programs in Australia and, in the absence of national standards or inclusion in the AQF, will make a significant contribution to the standardisation of programs, providing quality assurance, transparency, and potentially portability of qualifications for students.Improving the Academic Performance and Mental Health of Non-Traditional University Students Through a Shorter Delivery Model: Exploring the Impact of the Southern Cross Model.
Improving the Academic Performance and Mental Health of Non-Traditional University Students Through a Shorter Delivery Model: Exploring the Impact of the Southern Cross Model - Nieuwoudt, J.
Student Success 14(1), 35-46.- DOI: 10.5204/ssj.2660
School-Based Enabling Programs: Creating Opportunity and Connection
School-Based Enabling Programs: Creating Opportunity and Connection - Olds, A., Jones, A., Sturniolo-Baker, R., Clark, S., Dawson, J., McGrath, W., Plumb, C. ., Schwartz, C., & White, C.
Student Success, 13(3), 1-10.- DOI: 10.5204/ssj.2436
Community, Engagement and Connectedness: Reflections on Pathway Programs at a Regional Australian University. A Practice Report
Community, Engagement and Connectedness: Reflections on Pathway Programs at a Regional Australian University. A Practice Report - Spence, J., Davis, C., Green, J. H., Green, O., Harmes, M., & Sherwood, C.
Student Success, 13(3), 11-19- DOI: 10.5204/ssj.2441
First-year university retention and academic performance of non-traditional students entering via an Australian pre-university enabling program
First-year university retention and academic performance of non-traditional students entering via an Australian pre-university enabling program - Lisciandro, J. G.
Australian Journal of Adult Learning, 62(2), 167-201.A sense of belonging in Australian higher education: the significance of self-efficacy and the student-educator relationship
A sense of belonging in Australian higher education: the significance of self-efficacy and the student-educator relationship - Larsen, A., & James, T.
Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, 19(4).Survival narratives from single mothers in an enabling program: ‘Just hope you don’t get sick and live off caffeine’
Survival narratives from single mothers in an enabling program: ‘Just hope you don’t get sick and live off caffeine’ - Braund, A., James, T., Johnston, K., & Mullaney, L.
Australian Journal of Adult Learning, 62(2)
Taking university to the students: Forging connections and inclusion through regional university centres (RUCs)
Taking university to the students: Forging connections and inclusion through regional university centres (RUCs) - Stone, C., King, S., & Ronan, C.
Student Success Journal, 13(3), 46-53.- DOI: 10.5204/ssj.2434
They just give us the shiny picture, but I want to know what it’s really like: Insights from regional high schools on perceptions of university outreach in South Australia
They just give us the shiny picture, but I want to know what it’s really like: Insights from regional high schools on perceptions of university outreach in South Australia - Stone, C., King, S., & Ronan, C.
Australian and International Journal of Rural Education Journal, 32(3), 73-89.We were all learning and doing our best: Investigating how Enabling educators promoted student belonging in a time of significant complexity and unpredictability
We were all learning and doing our best: Investigating how Enabling educators promoted student belonging in a time of significant complexity and unpredictability - James, T., Bond, K., Kumar, B., Tomlins, M., & Toth, G.
Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, 19(4)Does an educative approach work? a reflective case study of how two Australian higher education Enabling programs support students and staff uphold a responsible culture of academic integrity.
Does an educative approach work? A reflective case study of how two Australian higher education Enabling programs support students and staff uphold a responsible culture of academic integrity - Fudge, A., Ulpen, T., Bilic, S., Picard, M., & Carter, C.
International Journal for Educational Integrity, 18(5), 1–20.Equity Implications of Non-ATAR Pathways: Participation, Academic Outcomes, and Student Experience
Equity Implications of Non-ATAR Pathways: Participation, Academic Outcomes, and Student Experience
Ian W Li, David R Carroll & Denise Jackson
National Centre for Student Equity in Higher EducationGoode, E – The impact of immersive scheduling on student learning and success in an Australian pathways program. Innovations in Education and Teaching International.
The impact of immersive scheduling on student learning and success in an Australian pathways program - Goode, E., Syme, S., & Nieuwoudt, J. E.
Innovations in Education and Teaching International.Time for a change: An exploratory study of non-traditional students’ time-use in the Southern Cross Model
Time for a change: An exploratory study of non-traditional students’ time-use in the Southern Cross Model - Nieuwoudt, J. E., & Stimpson, K.
Southern Cross University Scholarship of Learning and Teaching Paper No. 2.- DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.3984580
“Will they see through me?” The exploration of disorienting dilemmas that contributed to the transformation of an enabling educator.
“Will they see through me?” The exploration of disorienting dilemmas that contributed to the transformation of an enabling educator - James, T.
International Studies in Widening Participation. 8(1), 83-96.Those skills to take on the world: Developing capitals through university enabling programs.
Those skills to take on the world: Developing capitals through university enabling programs - Stokes, J.
The International Journal of Learning in Higher Education, 28 (2), 133-146Digital disruption in the COVID-19 era: The impact on learning and students’ ability to cope with study in an unknown world
Digital disruption in the COVID-19 era: The impact on learning and students’ ability to cope with study in an unknown world - James, T., Toth, G., Tomlins, M., Kumar B., & Bond, K.
Student Success, 12(3), 84-95.- DOI: 10.5204/ssj.1784
Doyle, J., & Nieuwoudt, J. Is lurking working? The role of non-assessed discussion boards in an enabling program literacies’ subject.
Is lurking working? The role of non-assessed discussion boards in an enabling program literacies' subject - Doyle, J. & Nieuwoudt, J.
Student Engagement in Higher Education, 3 (2) 2021Jarvis, L (2021). Try before you buy
Try before you buy: Using enabling programs to negotiate the risks of higher education - Jarvis, L.
Australian Journal of Adult Learning, 61(1)Pedler, M.L. – A sense of belonging at university: student retention, motivation and enjoyment
Enabling Pedagogy and Curriculum, Student and Staff Wellbeing
A sense of belonging at university: Student retention, motivation and enjoyment - Pedler, M.L., Willis, R., & Nieuwoudt, J.E.
Journal of Further and Higher Education,Syme, S., Roche, T., Goode, E., & Crandon, E. (2021). Transforming lives
Transforming lives: The power of an Australian enabling education - Syme, S., Roche, T., Goode, E., & Crandon, E.
Higher Education Research & Development.Anand, P., McNamara, J., & Thomas, L. (2020). Enabling excellence through equity
Enabling excellence through equity - Anand, P., McNamara, J., & Thomas, L.
Student Success., 11(1).Braund, A. James, T., Johnston, K., & Mullaney, L. (2020). Grit ability
Grit ability: Which grit characteristics enable success for mothers entering university? - Braund, A. James, T., Johnston, K., & Mullaney, L.
Student Success 11(1). 22-35.Davis, C., & Green, J.H. (2020). Threshold concepts and “troublesome” students
Threshold concepts and “troublesome” students: The uneasy application of threshold concepts to marginalised students - Davis, C., & Green, J.H.
Teaching in Higher Education.James, T. & Walters, V. (2020). How positive is Positive Psychology
How positive is Positive Psychology in an enabling program? Investigating the transformative power of positive psychology for enabling students - James, T. & Walters, V.
Australian Journal of Adult Learning, 60(2), 170.James, T., & Walters, V. (2020). How positive is positive psychology
How positive is positive psychology in an enabling program? Investigating the transformative power of positive psychology for enabling students - James, T., & Walters, V.
Australian Journal of Adult Learning, 60(2), 170-189.Nieuwoudt, J. E. – Australasian Journal of Educational Technology
Investigating synchronous and asynchronous class attendance as predictors of academic success in online education - Nieuwoudt, J. E.
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 36(3), 15-25.- DOI: 10.14742/ajet.5137
Seary K, Willans J. – Pastoral care and the caring teacher – value adding to enabling education
Pastoral care and the caring teacher – value adding to enabling education - Seary K, Willans J.
Student Success 11(1):12-21Syme, S., Davis, C., & Cook, C. (2020). Benchmarking Australian enabling programmes
Benchmarking Australian enabling programmes: assuring quality, comparability and transparency,Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education - Syme, S., Davis, C., & Cook, C.
Taylor, J. A., van Eyk, T., & Syme, S. – Journal of Further and Higher Education
Enabling success at university: The impact of an Australian programme to provide access to university- Taylor, J. A., van Eyk, T., & Syme, S.
Journal of Further and Higher Education, 44(1), 69-82.Walters, V., & James, T. (2020). ANTS and POTS
ANTS and POTS: Do they change lives? Students perceptions on the value of positive psychology concepts - Walters, V., & James, T.
Student Success, 11(1), 46-54.‘I can be powerful as an individual agent’: Experiences of recently homeless women in an enabling program, transformative pedagogies and spaces of empowerment in higher education
'I can be powerful as an individual agent’: Experiences of recently homeless women in an enabling program, transformative pedagogies and spaces of empowerment in higher education - Hattam S. and Bilic S.
International Studies in Widening Participation 6(1), 65-79.Study and life: How first year university students use their time
Study and life: How first year university students use their time - Richardson, A., King, S., Olds, T, Parfitt, G., & Chiera, B.
Student Success, 10(1), 17-31.The Experience of Being First in Family at University
The Experience of Being First in Family at University - King, S., Luzeckyj, A., & McCann, B.
Springer SingaporeBennett, A. – Educational Research and Evaluation
Access and equity program provision-evaluation in Australian higher education: A what matters approach - Bennett, A.
Educational Research and Evaluation, 24(8),523-537.Bennett, A., & Lumb, M. – Policy Futures in Education
Policy misrecognitions and paradoxes: Developing more contextually attuned access and equity policies in Australian higher education - Bennett, A., & Lumb, M.
Policy Futures in Education, 17(8), 966-982.Bunn, R.J. – Transitioning students into Higher Education: Philosophies, Pedagogies and Practice
“We need to help students discover themselves and see into the life of things”: Advice from Open Foundation Lecturers - Bunn, R.J.
In A. Jones, A. Olds and J.G. Lisciandro (Eds.) Transitioning students into Higher Education: Philosophies, Pedagogies and Practice. Oxon: Routledge.Carter, C., & Sallis, R. – Applied Theatre Research
Investigating the role of drama in two enabling courses in Australia - Carter, C., & Sallis, R.
Applied Theatre Research, 7(1), 79-93.- DOI: 10.1386/atr_00007_1
Crawford, N., Kift, S., & Jarvis, L. (2019). Supporting student mental wellbeing in enabling education: practices, pedagogies and a philosophy of care
Supporting student mental wellbeing in enabling education: practices, pedagogies and a philosophy of care. - Crawford, N., Kift, S., & Jarvis, L.
In A. Jones, A. Olds, & J. G. Lisciandro (Eds.), Transitioning Students in Higher Education: Philosophy, Pedagogy and Practice (pp. 161-170). Routledge.Irwin, E., & Hamilton, E. – Transitioning students into Higher Education: Philosophies, Pedagogies and Practice
Uncomfortable Spaces: Philosophy, Pedagogy and Practice in Online Enabling Education - Irwin, E., & Hamilton, E.
In A. Jones, A. Olds and J.G. Lisciandro (Eds.),Transitioning students into Higher Education: Philosophies, Pedagogies and Practice. Oxon: Routledge.Irwin, E., Baker, S., & Hamilton, E. (2019, 8 Nov). Alternative pathways into higher education open access annotated bibliography: enabling, foundation, access and bridging education.
Access and Widening Participation, Enabling Pedagogy and Curriculum, Equity and Diversity, Student and Staff Wellbeing, Transitions, success and retention
Alternative pathways into higher education open access annotated bibliography: enabling, foundation, access and bridging education - Irwin, E., Baker, S., & Hamilton, E.
James DT, Seary K. – Why aren’t they attending class like they are supposed to? A review into students’ perception of the value of class attendance
Why aren’t they attending class like they are supposed to? A review into students’ perception of the value of class attendance - James DT, Seary K.
Student Success 10(1):115-129James, T., & Seary, K. (2019). Why aren’t they attending class like they are supposed to
Why aren't they attending class like they are supposed to? A review into students' perceptions of the value of class attendance - James, T., & Seary, K. Student Success, 10(1), 115-129.
Jones, A., Olds, A, Lisciandro, J.G. (Eds.).(2019). Transitioning students into higher education
Transitioning students into higher education: Philosophy, pedagogy and practice - Jones, A., Olds, A, Lisciandro, J.G. (Eds.). Routledge.
O’Rourke, J., Relf, B., Crawford, N., & Sharp, S. – Australian Journal of Adult Learning
Are we all on course? A curriculum mapping comparison of three Australian university open-access enabling programs - O’Rourke, J., Relf, B., Crawford, N., & Sharp, S.
Australian Journal of Adult Learning, 59(1), 7-26.What we are doing works! Maintaining favourable retention in the STEPS enabling course in an Australian university.
What we are doing works! Maintaining favourable retention in the STEPS enabling course in an Australian university - Willans, J., & Seary, K.
CQUniversity. Conference contribution.Students on the threshold: commencing student perspectives and enabling pedagogy.
Students on the threshold: commencing student perspectives and enabling pedagogy - Stokes, J.
In C. Agosti & E. Bernat (Eds.), University Pathway Programs: local responses within a growing global trend, Cham: Springer International Publishing, 223–242.Academic Integrity: An Educative and Equitable Approach in Enabling Pathway Programs.
Academic Integrity: An Educative and Equitable Approach in Enabling Pathway Programs - Picard, M., Fudge, A., Bilic, S. & Cooper, S.
Research and Development in Higher Education: (Re)Valuing Higher Education, 41, 172 - 181.Armstrong, F., James, T., Conradie, H., & Parker, S. (2018). Males in Enabling: Painting a portrait through narrative
Males in Enabling: Painting a portrait through narrative - Armstrong, F., James, T., Conradie, H., & Parker, S.
Student Success, 9(1), 9-22.- DOI: 10.5204/ssj.v9i1.429
Bennett A., Motta S., Hamilton E., Burgess C., Relf B., Gray K., Leroy-Dyer, S. & Albright. J. – Centre of Excellence for Equity in Higher Education
Enabling Pedagogies: A participatory conceptual mapping of practices at the University of Newcastle, Australia - Bennett A., Motta S., Hamilton E., Burgess C., Relf B., Gray K., Leroy-Dyer, S. & Albright. J.
Centre of Excellence for Equity in Higher Education.Crawford, N., Olds, A., Lisciandro, J., Jaceglav, M., Westacott, M. & Osenieks, L. (2018). Emotional labour demands in enabling education
Emotional labour demands in enabling education: A qualitative exploration of the unique challenges and protective factors - Crawford, N., Olds, A., Lisciandro, J., Jaceglav, M., Westacott, M. & Osenieks, L.
Student Success 9(1): 23-33.- DOI: 10.5204/ssj.v9i1.430
James T, Seary K. – What’s so positive about positive psychology in an enabling program?
What's so positive about positive psychology in an enabling program? - James T, Seary K.
Foundations and Bridging Educators New Zealand Conference, Wellington, New Zealand, 29 Nov 2018 - 30 Nov 2018. Proceedings of the FABENZ Conference 2018. FABENZ, Online. 1-18.Jarvis, L. (2018). Risk or opportunity: The journey of students entering university via an enabling program
Risk or opportunity: The journey of students entering university via an enabling program - Jarvis, L.
Doctoral dissertation, University of Wollongong.Lisciandro, J.G., Jones, A. & Geerlings, P. (2018). Enabling learners starts with knowing them
Enabling learners starts with knowing them: Student attitudes, aspiration and anxiety towards science and math learning in an Australian pre-university enabling program - Lisciandro, J.G., Jones, A. & Geerlings, P.
Australian Journal of Adult Learning, 58(1), 13-40.Millman, T. & McNamara, J. (2018). The long and winding road
The long and winding road: Experiences of students entering university through transition programs - Millman, T. & McNamara, J.
Student Success, 9(3), 37-39.Motta, S. C., & Bennett, A – Teaching in Higher Education
Pedagogies of care, care-full epistemological practice and other caring subjectivities in Enabling Education - Motta, S. C., & Bennett, A.
Teaching in Higher Education, 23, 631-646.Nieuwoudt, J. E. – Student Success
Exploring online interaction and online learner participation in an online science subject through the lens of the interaction equivalence theorem - Nieuwoudt, J. E.
Student Success, 9(4), 53-62.- DOI: 10.5204/ssj.v9i4.520
Olds, A., Jones, A., Crawford, N., & Osenieks, L. (2018). Reflective encounters for enabling educators
Reflective encounters for enabling educators: The role of debriefing in building psychological capital - Olds, A., Jones, A., Crawford, N., & Osenieks, L.
Refereed Conference Paper: Foundation and Bridging Educators New Zealand (FABENZ) Conference, Wellington, NZ.Willans J, Seary K. – “Why did we lose them and what could we have done”?
Why did we lose them and what could we have done? - Willans J, Seary K.
Student Success 9(1):47-60Willans J, Seary K. – What we are doing works!
What we are doing works! Maintaining favourable retention in the STEPS enabling course in an Australian university - Willans J, Seary K.
Foundations and Bridging Educators New Zealand Conference, Wellington, New Zealand, 29 Nov 2018 - 30 Nov 2018. Proceedings of the FABENZ Conference 2018. FABENZ, Online. 1-22.Students’ perceptions of a quality preparatory program at an Australian regional university: Success through changing worldviews.
Students' perceptions of a quality preparatory program at an Australian regional university: Success through changing worldviews - McConachie, J., Seary, K., & Simpson, J.
In J. Mcconachie, M. Singh, P. Danaher, F. Nouwens, & G. Danaher (Eds.), Doctrina Perpetua: Brokering Change, Promoting Innovation and Transforming Marginalisation in University Learning and Teaching. CQUniversity.Being first in family: Motivations and metaphors
Being first in family: Motivations and metaphors - Luzeckyj, A. McCann, B. Graham, C. King, S., & Mc Cann J.
Higher education Research and Development, 36(6), 1237-1250.Hellmundt, S., & Baker, D. (2017). Encouraging engagement in enabling programs: The students’ perspective
Encouraging engagement in enabling programs: The students’ perspective - Hellmundt, S., & Baker, D.
Student Success, 8(1), 25-33.Relf, B., Crawford, N., O’Rourke, J., Sharp, S., Hodges, B., Shah, M., & Barnes, R. K. – Lighting the pathway
Lighting the path(way): Articulating curriculum design principles for open access enabling programs
Bronwyn Relf, Nicole Crawford, John O’Rourke, Sue Sharp, Barry Hodges, Mahsood Shah, & Robin Katersky Barnes
Office for Learning and Teaching, Department of Education.The Learning Thermometer: Closing the loop between teaching, learning, wellbeing and support in universities.
The Learning Thermometer: Closing the loop between teaching, learning, wellbeing and support in universities - Stallman, H. M., & King, S.
Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, 13(5).Design for success: Did we get it right? Measuring the success of STEPS as a remodelled CQUniversity enabling offering
Design for success: Did we get it right? Measuring the success of STEPS as a remodelled CQUniversity enabling offering - Seary, K., Willans, J., & Cook, C. International Studies in Widening Participation, 3(1), 4-18.
‘Show up’: Is that the recipe for success?
‘Show up’: Is that the recipe for success? - Seary, K., James, T.
In Proceedings of the FABENZ Conference 2016.Crawford, N., Lisciandro, J., Jones, A., Jaceglav, M., McCall, D., Bunn, R., Cameron, H., Westacott, M., & Andersen, S. (2016). Models of support for student wellbeing in enabling programs
Models of support for student wellbeing in enabling programs: comparisons, contrasts and commonalities at four Australian universities - Crawford, N., Lisciandro, J., Jones, A., Jaceglav, M., McCall, D., Bunn, R., Cameron, H., Westacott, M., & Andersen, S.
Refereed Conference Paper: Foundation and Bridging Educators New Zealand (FABENZ) Conference, Auckland, NZ.Exploring the Experience of Low-SES Students via Enabling Pathways
Chad Habel, Kirsty Whitman & Jennifer Stokes
National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education (NCSEHE)James, T. (2016). The juxtaposition of STEPS to the undergraduate arena
The juxtaposition of STEPS to the undergraduate arena: The lived experience of transitioning into undergraduate study. - James, T.
Australian Journal of Adult Learning, 56(2). 250-267Johns, S., Crawford, N., Hawkins, C., Jarvis, L., Harris, M., & McCormack, D. (2016). Unlocking the potential within
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It's more than just academic essays and rules of mathematics: Travelling the road with heroes on the STEPS journey as they convert the milestones of their learning journey into signposts for their future - Seary, K., & Willans, J.
Australian Journal of Adult Learning, 44(3), 306-326.- DOI: 10.3316/aeipt.139951
Selected sections from the unpublished EIP report investigating The Cost and Effectiveness of Enabling and Related Programs In Australian Tertiary Education (2000)
The Cost and Effectiveness of Enabling and Related Programs In Australian Tertiary Education
John Clarke, David Bull, Cameron Neil, Lyn Turner, Damian Birney
Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs