The National Association of Enabling Educators of Australia (NAEEA) is an association of enabling educators and practitioners established as a collective of like-minded professionals and institutions for the purpose of collaborating on issues of common interest and relevance to enabling education.
NAEEA has grown out of two decades of networking of enabling educators from regular conferences and events both here in Australia and in New Zealand.

Annual General Meeting
NAEEA’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) takes place annually and is called by the Secretary. In a year where a conference is held, the meeting will take place during the conference, and in the altnernate years it is held online.
View the President’s Reports from previous Annual General Meetings.
NAEEA is closely affiliated with Foundation and Bridging Educators of New Zealand (FABENZ) and the Forum for Access and Continuing Education (FACE) in the UK. View other institutional associations with similar aims and objectives to NAEEA.