Special Interest Groups


Enabling Assessment

Assessments play an important role in promoting learning and preparing enabling students for university study, while allowing enabling educators to make informed decisions about student progression and attainment of skills and knowledge.

Our purpose is to facilitate dialogue around the principles and uniqueness of enabling assessment practices, while promoting evidence-based practice and innovation in assessment within enabling education and the wider higher education sector. Although as enabling educators we often know and have anecdotal evidence that indicates the impact of certain types of assessment practices on student success, this SIG aims to promote robust, informed arguments for assessments that lead to better outcomes for all students.


  • Dr James Valentine

    Dr James Valentine is a lecturer in the Tertiary Enabling Program at Charles Darwin University where he has been preparing students to study science at university since 2013. Prior to this, James spent six years teaching undergraduate science. James’ move into the enabling space has seen him develop a special interest in assessment design that scaffolds student success and aids their transition into higher education. James also has an interest in the role that enabling assessment plays in preparing students to successfully tackle assessment tasks as undergraduate students at university.

  • Dr Liz Goode

    Dr Liz Goode is a Teaching Scholar in the Academic Portfolio Office and SCU College at Southern Cross University, Australia. She coordinates SCU College’s Transition to Uni pathway program for recent school-leavers and has a background in teaching academic literacies. She is currently researching the principles and impact of immersive block models of higher education. She is interested in exploring best practice and innovation in active learning and blended curricula, and how these approaches support the success of diverse and non-traditional students.