The aim of this SIG is to initiate a discussion at a national level between enabling educators in Australia about the characteristics of the curricula of enabling programs. By collaboratively exploring and sharing insights, we aspire to articulate curriculum principles that represent a unified voice, strengthening the impact of enabling education in Australia. Our SIG serves as a platform to exchange information on innovative curriculum design approaches, facilitating the dissemination and promotion of best practices within the enabling education landscape. Together, let’s shape the future of enabling programs and empower students to unlock their full potential in higher education and beyond.
Special Interest Groups
~Enabling Curriculum
Dr Bronwyn Relf
Dr Bronwyn Relf is a lecturer at the University of Newcastle’s (UON) Centre for English Language and Foundation Studies. Bronwyn has a deep desire to help bridge the widening gap between secondary school and tertiary education. Focused on calculated and cutting-edge curriculum design, Bronwyn’s studies are spurred on by her strong conviction that good enabling curriculum design enhances widening participation. Bronwyn’s vision is to bring colleagues within the Enabling sector together to exchange innovative ideas for curriculum design.