(2024). Typology of Enabling Programs
23/11/2023 - Typology of Enabling Programs Australia 2023
Compiled by NAEEA2023
Report on Benchmarking of Enabling Programs across Australia to the National Association of Enabling Educators of Australia (NAEEA)
01/01/2023 - Report on Benchmarking of Enabling Programs across Australia to the National Association of Enabling Educators of Australia (NAEEA).
Charmaine Davis, Suzi Syme, Chris Cook, Sarah Dempster, Lisa Duffy, Sarah Hattam, George Lambrinidis, Kathy Lawson & Stuart Levy
Nine enabling programs across Australia worked together from 2021-2022 to produce this report investigating the comparability of learning outcomes, curriculum and assessment practices across their enabling programs. This is the first comprehensive, cross institutional study of enabling programs in Australia and, in the absence of national standards or inclusion in the AQF, will make a significant contribution to the standardisation of programs, providing quality assurance, transparency, and potentially portability of qualifications for students.2022
Equity Implications of Non-ATAR Pathways: Participation, Academic Outcomes, and Student Experience
17/02/2022 - Equity Implications of Non-ATAR Pathways: Participation, Academic Outcomes, and Student Experience
Ian W Li, David R Carroll & Denise Jackson
National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education2017
Relf, B., Crawford, N., O’Rourke, J., Sharp, S., Hodges, B., Shah, M., & Barnes, R. K. – Lighting the pathway
01/01/2017 - Lighting the path(way): Articulating curriculum design principles for open access enabling programs
Bronwyn Relf, Nicole Crawford, John O’Rourke, Sue Sharp, Barry Hodges, Mahsood Shah, & Robin Katersky Barnes
Office for Learning and Teaching, Department of Education.2016
Exploring the Experience of Low-SES Students via Enabling Pathways
21/11/2016 -
Chad Habel, Kirsty Whitman & Jennifer Stokes
National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education (NCSEHE)Pathways To Higher Education: The Efficacy Of Enabling And Sub-Bachelor Pathways For Disadvantaged Students
01/06/2016 - Pathways To Higher Education: The Efficacy Of Enabling And Sub-Bachelor Pathways For Disadvantaged Students
Tim Pitman, Sue Trinidad, Marcia Devlin, Andrew Harvey, Matt Brett & Jade McKay.
Report for the Australian Government, Department of Education and Training2015
Baker, S. & Irwin, E., (2015). Enabling Programs Typology
25/11/2015 - Typology of Enabling Programs Australia
Sally Baker & Evonne Irwin2013
Enabling retention: processes and strategies for improving student retention in university-based enabling programs
01/01/2013 -
Barry Hodges, Tasman Bedford, Jane Hartley, Chris Klinger, Neil Murray, John O’Rouke & Neville Schofield.
Office for Learning and Teaching, Department of Education2000
Selected sections from the unpublished EIP report investigating The Cost and Effectiveness of Enabling and Related Programs In Australian Tertiary Education (2000)
01/09/2000 - The Cost and Effectiveness of Enabling and Related Programs In Australian Tertiary Education
John Clarke, David Bull, Cameron Neil, Lyn Turner, Damian Birney
Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs